Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10 ~ Technology Session

Today's workshop will focus on tools that encourage unrehearsed speaking.  These tools can be used for all levels and for any language.  The goal of the day is to learn and be able to use one of the tools presented in your classroom.

  1. Word clouds: Wordle:  FLTWM wordle
  2. Timed photo slideshow:  Pechaflikr:  furniture
  3. Fake texts:  Spanish example
  4. 5 photos: 5 card flicker

Try it here:
  1. WordleWordle 
  2. Click on advanced options to control the time between slides Pechaflikr
  3. Fake texts:  Ifaketext
  4. Make your own or choose from a gallery: 5 card flicker
Tools for recording speaking samples:
  1. Audacity  Free shareware, safe and easy to use
  2. googlevoice - sends digital speaking files to your email googlevoice  (Try my number: 413-230-8902)
  3. Make any picture talk... Blabberize
  4. Students pick images and then narrate the story as a slideshow Photostory

For advanced techies:
Try tagxedo instead of wordle -  tagxedo

Other fun sites to explore...
 Explore and enjoy! ~ gracias, Tiesa
Any questions?